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xchat script

I told everyone I would post the xchat script to shorten nicks. If the first 12 letters of nicks match then it will look like two people have the same name. I suggest enabling nick coloring in xchat this will try to make all nicks a different color.

you must have the Python plugin system for xchat.

to load the script type "/py LOAD /path/file.name

# Author: Dan Clark <gzphreak@xxxxxxxxx>
# Makes nicks in xchat be at most 12 characters in the display window

__module_name__ = "nicktrunc" 
__module_version__ = "1.0" 
__module_description__ = "Truncate asshats nicks to work with nick indenting"

import xchat

def trunc_nick(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if xchat.get_prefs("text_color_nicks") == 1:
		print "\0032<\017"+word[0][0:15]+"\017\0032>\017\t"+word[1]+"\017"
		print "<\017"+word[0][0:12]+"\017>\017\t"+word[1]+"\017"
	return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
xchat.hook_print('Channel Message', trunc_nick)