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[lug-l] 2/12/2015 Meeting Notes

Hi everyone,

First off, I’d like to thank everyone who showed up tonight! Record number so far this semester. At the end of the meeting I had to rush through the Shell Server and connecting to IRC so I figured I’d go into that a tad further.

Shell Server:
Address: shell.lug.mtu.edu or agrajag.lug.mtu.edu
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:48a8:0:8:0:3:0:234

1. You’ll need to SSH into the Shell Server. The process is slightly different if you are on Windows or Linux/UNIX/OSX.
1. Install PuTTY: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe
2. Run Putty
3. Enter "shell.lug.mtu.edu" in the Host Name section, set the Port to 22, and the Connection Type to SSH.
4. Enter "MTU LUG Shell Server" in the Saved Session box and click Save. (This saves the config so you can select it and click Load in the future)
5. Click the Open button
6. If a PuTTY Security Alert window opens, click Yes. If you’d like to verify you are connection to the correct server the SSH finger print should match one of the following:

shell.lug.mtu.edu SSH Finger Prints:
2048 ab:ed:54:7a:92:34:18:ae:d6:d2:61:d1:db:99:8b:5b  root@agrajag (RSA)
256 d9:42:0c:62:78:12:b4:18:0b:00:eb:da:ca:b7:4a:35  root@agrajag (ECDSA)
1024 79:91:54:21:51:70:08:81:ae:8c:86:94:a9:3f:81:cd  root@agrajag (DSA) 

7. And the login prompt, enter the username that was setup for you (typically the same as your MTU ISO username)
8. Enter the password you setup. If you have forgotten the password, email lug-server-admins-l@xxxxxxx with your username and a Server Admin will reset your password. 

1. Verify you have the 'ssh' command otherwise install ssh via your package manager.
2. In a terminal, enter the command "ssh <username>@shell.lug.mtu.edu"
3. Enter the password you setup. If you have forgotten the password, email lug-server-admins-l@xxxxxxx with your username and a Server Admin will reset your password. 

Now, what to do with your new found power? Compile some software, run a program, host a personal website, request a private virtual machine, the possibilities are endless! 

Personal Website Info:
1. Create a directory in your home folder with the name "public_html"
2. Throw an index.html file in there with some test info
3. In a web browser go to: http://shell.lug.mtu.edu/~usernamehere/ 

Connecting to IRC:
Address: lug.mtu.edu
Ports: 6676,, 6669 (SSL),  6697 (SSL)
Channels: #mtu, #nmu, #uslug, and others

There are many ways to connect to the LUG IRC. Here are some relevant guides. Use the above info to connect.

Using irssi + screen: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi/ (This could be dove via your Shell Server Account)
Using HexChat: http://hexchat.readthedocs.org/en/latest/getting_started.html (You’ll have to add LUG as a network to connect properly)
Using Textual: Download Textual (http://www.codeux.com/textual/), Click on the "IRC #mtu" link on lug.mtu.edu or here irc://lug.mtu.edu:6667/#mtu

Hopefully the above information clears up many of the questions. If you have any issues feel free to email me or lug-server-admins-l@xxxxxxx. I look forward to seeing everyone on IRC!

- - Jared Ledvina

Jared Ledvina
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IT Oxygen Enterprise Operations Team Lead
Progressive Security Group President & Server Admin (PSG)
Linux User's Group President & Lead Server Admin (LUG)
Computer Systems & Network Administration (BS)
Michigan Tech Class '15
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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