MTU LUG Meeting Minutes January 15th, 2009
Server Status
Admin not here
Who wants to disign it?
Will be WALL-E and Glenda
Pastore is asking questions
Due Wednesday next week
If you want to help e-mail gabby gamyers@mtu.edu
Student Involvement fair
Happening Soon
This coming Tuesday 7-9PM MUB Ballroom
We have a table with power reserved
Projector and screens
Who will sit there? Me, Steve, Byan
USG Budget Allocation Meeting
Two weeks from now 8-9PM
Spring Installathon
Windows exploits from linux
rickroll through SSH
X-forwarding stuff
Scheme? it's evil!
Intro to programming on linux
Figure out who knows what
Visibly mark them so people can tell
(T-shirts with stuff written on them)
E-mail for ubuntu CDs was never sent
Get them for this coming fall?
LFS Junkyard Wars
Lock people in a room with stuff
don't let them out until they SSH out a cry for help
When is there free time?
February 28
Where? *shrugs*
Rheiki 214?
OSX would be illegal
NETBSD is okay
Prizes: Hard Drives, Flash drives, Memory
Contact Next Century?
Posters? Daily Bull?
We still have extra, bringing to student involvement fair
New shirts this year?
Design? Brandon can resubmit his design from last year
There be interest from members present
Lecture Series on IP
There is a lecture on IP and will probably run over our meeting
Anyone want to do a social?
*steve skips*
New Officers
Can Huskybot be an officer?
Lots of people leaving...
Pastore: Um...?
Brandon, netboot server?
X86 laptop
DHCP server
TFTP server