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about true type fonts for X

> Also for the next meeting, would anyone be interested in learning how to 
>   add in TrueType fonts for X. It makes alot of things look nicer and 
> also will add a ton of useable fonts for other programs, such as the 
> GIMP and StarOffice
> Eric I. Maino

This would be a great topic for a talk at one of our meetings, but not
perhaps the next one.  We will be sending out a campus-wide email this week
to advertise the next LUG meeting (Tues, Nov. 6, 8pm in Fisher 138).  I
propose the topic for the main presentation should be something general, like a
comparison of the major Linux distributions.  I have no idea of how many
non-CS major people will show up, but we should aim to grab their interest
and make them want to come back for more (first impressions and all that).  
Focusing on a rather narrow topic at their first meeting might cause their 
eyes to glaze over.  :)  But definitely, this would be a great topic a few
meetings down the road.

If anyone can think of any other general ideas for the main presentation topic
for the next meeting (besides a comparison of Linux distros), please speak
