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Re: The informal meeting...

Barry you are correct that we need organization but as I stated becuase this would be an informal meeting we should not really discuss anything that may be detremental to the club, and nothing at this meeting would be official. I am sorry that you may have felt left out but all you needed to do was speak up a little and say, "Hey I got a question.." or "Hey I got a suggestion" and I would have been happy to talk with you or anyone else about anything. I am sorry if you felt that, I may have been a dominant figure at this informal meeting, but it is that I am bold and will say what is on my mind, to try and make some discussion.From now on we should try to have a meeting agenda planned, so this does not happen again.
Yes we did make mention of ideas for a computer that the club could 
maintain, but these were not the focus. Nor would I ever consider 
spending club money with out approval. As for guest speakers I have made 
some contacts and am trying to get some people to come and speak to the 
club about their experiences with linux in the real world.
We were talking about our experiences with linux and trying to get to 
know each other better. And better build as a club. I am sorry that I 
missed the motion to move to another room, although I would have liked 
to as well. But to me it did not seem like anyone else there was too 
interested. Everyone just was kind of sitting back an relaxing.
I will try an better my part in the club and I will never try to 
jepordize any part of the club for one's benefit nor mine. We are a 
club, we will make decisions as a club, but talking among our selves 
will help to build a better foundation and structure starting out.

Eric I. Maino
Computer Science Information Systems
Michigan Technological University
1010 Jasper Ave.
Houghton, MI  49931
Phone:(906) 483-4914
Fax:(561) 828-3232