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Re: domain names

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 23:22, Chad Lindke wrote:
> Hey, I have a simple question.  How do you set up a domain so that there
> are different parts to it.  For example: ftp.mtulug.org, mail.yahoo.com
> Is this just a setting in the webserver config files?  Thanks.

I just learned this today (though I may not be able to help you much).

You need to edit the bind table:

The file, AFAIK, should look something like this:

	$ORIGIN somedomain.com
	$TTL 6h

	sub            IN      A   <-- IP that
sub.somedomain.com will point to

Then edit your httpd.conf (for me, /etc/httpd/httpd.conf). Find your
VirtualHost info. It has an example of:

	#<VirtualHost *>
	#    ServerAdmin webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
	#    DocumentRoot /www/docs/dummy-host.example.com
	#    ServerName dummy-host.example.com
	#    ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log
	#    CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common

Edit that to your liking. Then execute 'apachectl graceful' or
'apachectl restart' to restart Apache. 

That probably won't do it, since it didn't work for me (even though I
don't own a domain), but that's the info I have.



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