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[Fwd: Re: Get Involved!]

We're in!

Everyone involved please read this.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Get Involved!
Date: 	Sat, 13 Dec 2003 14:18:12 -0500 (EST)
From: 	Dan Adler <dpadler@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: 	dpadler@xxxxxxx
To: 	Dan Clark <dalclark@xxxxxxx>
References: <2545.> <3FD925F4.9060609@xxxxxxx>


Thank you for your organization's involvement in the fair!  As long as
your organization can provide itself with some power strips, we can set
you up next to some outlets.  Below is some detailed information about
participating in the fair.  Let me know if you have any other questions,
and thanks again!


Important Details:

Activities:  Many groups have asked questions about what kind of
activities they should try.  There are very few limitations to what you
can do, as long as it doesn't cause any permanent damage to the dining
hall.  Some ideas that I have already heard of are:  fooseball, bobbing
for apples, throwing darts at a target for prizes, and showing a video. Be creative and fun, and you'll attract new members!
What you need to bring:  A physical display that promotes your
organization/program and its activities, with its name in large print, and
information on how to get involved, meeting dates, people to contact, etc.
If your organization has opted to compete for the (5) $100 prizes, which
many already have, you'll need to bring the appropriate materials for
that.  If your activity requires more space than approximately 6' x 6' in
front of your display table, please let me know and I'll arrange a spot
where you can do it.  You'll also need people to man your stands and

Wednesday, January 14th
12 noon - Signup for the involvement fair closes, and you must have given
me a short description of any activities you're planning to do and if
extra space is needed

Thursday, January 15th
6:45pm - Organizations and Program Setup Starts
7:30pm - Involvement Fair Starts
10:00pm - Involvement Fair Ends

Where:  Wadsworth Dining Hall
I will email the contact people for the organizations and programs on the
night of Wednesday, January 14th to notify them of their organization's
location within the Dining Hall.  There will also be maps at the
involvement fair on Thursday.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Dan Adler

Mr. Adler,

    My student organization (MTU LUG) would like to participate in the
Get Involved program in WADS.
We want to demonstrate many different aspects of Linux.
I would like to know how much space we could be alotted, and if its
enough could we set up around 10 computers.
That requires power outlets.

Thanks for any information you have.

-Dan Clark
-President (MTU LUG)

Dan Adler

Student Assistant, Office of Student Activities
Staff Writer, Michigan Tech Lode
Member, University Judiciary Committee
On-site Coordinator, LeaderShape 2004

Michigan Technological University