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Re: Installathon Backup Solution (?)

You should be able to use Ghost to create an image and store the image on the Firewire drive.
On Oct 12, 2004, at 14:37, Andy Zobro wrote:


What software would be required and could a bootable windows
installation be actually backed up so that it'd run if restored to
another drive?

Note: I have a copy of Norton Ghost (v 6?) that i've used for disk to
image transfers over IDE before.

- AZ

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 14:20, Adam Jaskiewicz wrote:
400 Mb/sec is fairly fast. Unless a huge amount of data is being
transfered, it should be good enough, and the drives can always be
pulled out of the enclosure if needed. I really think the speed gained
by not having to open the case, set jumpers for that particular system
configuration, install the drive, and boot the machine back up will
pretty much even it out.

The enclosures are really just IDE to USB/Firewire bridges and power
supplies in attractive boxes. They take a regular IDE hard drive, and
add a USB 2.0 interface and Firewire interface to them.

On Oct 12, 2004, at 14:02, Andy Zobro wrote:

Not everyone has a modern computer, and IDE to IDE transfers are going
to be faster.

Also, I wasn't thinking of shoving a hard drive into each person's
computer but rather have a dedicated backup machine.

I don't know what our budget is for buying enclosures and drives. Mary
said Office Max has a deal right now on 160 GB drives...

- AZ

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 13:50, Adam Jaskiewicz wrote:
My suggestion was that we purchase a few USB/Firewire combo enclosures
and some 250GiB drives or something to shove in them. Firewire is
decently fast for transferring large amounts of stuff. 400 Mb/sec is
quite quick, especially since Firewire can sustain pretty well (meant
for large video files and such).

This would work for most people. Any modern computer is going to have either USB 2.0 or Firewire, if not both, and even if they are limited
to USB 1.1, a few things can be transfered (much slower). For people
with USB 1.1 that have a lot of stuff to save, or people with older
computers (heck, my Pentium 233MMX has USB 1.1) can stuff the drive on
a spare IDE connector and copy stuff over.

The drives can be sold to people after the Install-a-thon, perhaps,
maybe we can stick one into the server.

Adam James Jaskiewicz | "There is danger from all men. The only maxim
of a
CAEL Senior Partner   | free government ought to be to trust no man
ajjaskie@xxxxxxx      | with power to endanger the public liberty."
(906) 483-6247        |                               -- John Adams

On Oct 12, 2004, at 13:14, Andy Zobro wrote:

Ok, I want to know exactly what our plan is for the backup of
hard drives. If we are doing data backup and recovery then I'd like
know the method we have chosen.

What I'm used to having for disk backups is:
a) A dedicated machine with a very large hard drive in it to store
disk images on. A copy of Norton Ghost to make the backup images. A
lot of time.  (Ghost is almost a requirement for moving a window's
b) A cd-rw drive and just burn the important stuff
c) Another hard drive and copy:
   - in windows, the important data
   - in linux, the entire file system
d) for laptops: (a) and a laptop IDE adapter

So, who's hard drive(s) are we using...
Actually I don't even know what questions to ask, I recall something
about usb... but usb is way slower than sticking a hard drive in a

So, please enlighten me if you know more.

- AZ

-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-
Andrew J. Zobro, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Masters Student at Michigan Tech
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-
Senior CAEL Partner
Robotic Systems Enterprise
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-

Andrew J. Zobro, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Masters Student at Michigan Tech
Senior CAEL Partner
Robotic Systems Enterprise

Adam James Jaskiewicz | "There is danger from all men. The only maxim
of a
CAEL Senior Partner   | free government ought to be to trust no man
ajjaskie@xxxxxxx      | with power to endanger the public liberty."
(906) 483-6247        |                               -- John Adams

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=
Andrew J. Zobro, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Masters Student at Michigan Tech
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-= Senior CAEL Partner www.me.mtu.edu/cael/partners/ Robotic Systems Enterprise www.enterprise.mtu.edu/robotics/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=
Adam James Jaskiewicz | "There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a CAEL Senior Partner | free government ought to be to trust no man living
ajjaskie@xxxxxxx      | with power to endanger the public liberty."
(906) 483-6247        |                               -- John Adams