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A favor request from the LUG


I am currently trying to organize a LAN party here at MTU to be scheduled in a few weeks. I was wondering if members of the LUG would be willing to help out again this semester like they did last year.
We need network equipment, and people to run servers.
We are leaning towards games that are compatiable with Linux, Mac, and Windows (i.e. Counter Strike) If you could discuss it at your meeting Thursday and let me know I would greatly appreciate it because I would like to schedule a room and get flyers up as soon as possible.
I am thinking about having the LAN party take place in the MUB, I liked 
the setup of the install-a-thon you ran last semester.
If everyone perfers we could possibly host it in the basement of 
Wadsworth again this semester, although I haven't seen the layout since 
they have updated the building.


Anthony Oliver
President MTU ACM Chapter.