What role are you using the machine in?
If it's a desktop with something like Gnome or KDE installed, there's
likely going to a built-in function to mount a samba share. In Gnome,
open a nautilus window (file-browser) and click File -> Connect to
Server. I'm not sure how it's done in KDE.
If it's something you're using without a GUI or, you can't get the GUI
to work/don't want to mess with it, install smbfs (however your
distribution does this) and use the following command:
mount -t smbfs -o username=foo,password=bar //IPorHostname/share
I too recommend PuTTY as a Windows SSH client.
Patrick Sohn-Griffus wrote:
For an SSH client, I highly recommend PuTTY, available from
Nothing else even comes close.
As to accessing windows shares from linux, I don't know the specifics
off the top of my head, but it's not that hard. A quick google search
will turn up more information than you'll ever need.
- Patrick
Jacob Fugal wrote:
I have a machine I just barely installed Linux on and just figured
out how to get it on the network. Now I need to access some files on
a windows machine on our lab subnet. I’m not even sure which program
would support this. I take it that Samba will allow windows machines
to access directories on the Linux machine, but not necessarily a
windows directory from a Linux machine. Any tips on where to look on
how to set this up?
Also, does anyone know of a good ssh2 windows client that is free or
maybe cheap?
Have a good day!
Jacob Fugal