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Re: GDM & LCD monitor

Jacob Fugal wrote:
I have an 1600x1200 LCD monitor and a 19" (1280x1024) CRT monitor each
connected to an NVidia FX 5200 card. I can get the CRT monitor to work
fine on its maximum resolution. But I can only get the LCD monitor
(connected with the DVI cable) to only work at 1024x768 and below. It
turns out that 1024x768 is the resolution it loads to at boot up (looking
at on-screen display monitor information thingy). When I try switching the
screen resolution down using the Gnome Screen Resolution tool, the monitor
reports no change in input resolution.
Look up the horizontal and vertical sync ranges for your monitor, and hard code 
them into the XFree86Config file. See if that helps.
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