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Re: Graceful Exit to GDM

> Does anyone know a graceful way to exit gdm on Debian Sarge? All I know
> how to do is go to tty1, su, ps -A|grep gdm, and kill the first listed
> gdm process.

The command:
telinit 3
should bring the system down to runlevel 3, which is plain multi-user
console login, rather than runlevel 4, which is multi-user graphical
login. To go back, simply type:
telinit 4

Unless Debian is completely different from Slackware in that regard.

Adam James Jaskiewicz | "There is danger from all men. The
CAEL Senior Partner   | only maxim of a free government ought
ajjaskie@xxxxxxx      | to be to trust no man living with power
(906) 483-6247        | to endanger the public liberty."
                      |                -- John Adams