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home wanted for: public service perl script

I have a public service perl script that needs a home. Sometime ago I wrote a perl script to download recruiter information off of the career center website, parse out relevant meetings for the current date, see who is serving food, and mail it to a mailing list.
For awhile it was a nice service that was well taken advantage of.  The 
career center then put the recruiter information behind the 
e-recruiting thingy.  Currently the recruiter information is back up on 
a public site.  I've recently updated foodscript so that it does work 
with the current career center website and I am ready to bring it back 
to life.
I graduate this semester but I would like to keep the script alive.  
Would someone with rights on the MTU lug server be willing to contact 
me about possibly taking this script off of my hands?  Its just a small 
cron job that would run once a day (around 6am or so).  The hungry 
students at MTU would be forever in your debt.  [Plus it would be a 
unique public service for the lug to provide, might help get your name 

				-- Raffi