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[lug-l] 2/19 Meeting Summary

Hey everyone,

First off, you guys rock! Thanks for coming tonight that was (exhausting) and awesome! For anyone who couldn’t make it we planned out the nomination period for eBoard positions and the voting day. Nominations will open Sunday March 22nd, 2015 and will run for three weeks. To nominate someone for an eBoard position you may either email the lug-l@xxxxxxx email list or say it at a meeting. The person being nominated can then either accept or decline the nomination. We will then hold election day on Thursday April 16th, 2015. I’ll send out more info on elections when we get closer. We discussed T-Shirts, we are getting them but, we need to know sizes/numbers. Fill out this questionnaire:

T-Shirt Size Questionnaire: http://goo.gl/forms/LYf8VFJxbD

I gave an general overview on how to design and build a High Availability application. It was mostly based on scenarios I’ve seen in the field. I’ve attached the whole presentation the this email (although out of context it isn’t that great). Since we had so many people show up, we took a group panorama pictures (attached). I couldn’t get them to stitch together, if someone could do that and email that out to the list that would be great! We finished with some random conversations and showing the picture of the EERC Tree from the wiki (https://lug.mtu.edu/wiki/EERC_Tree). 

If you’d like to see a presentation on ANY topic, send you ideas to me directly or to the email list. 

Links for the new-comers:
IRC:  irc://lug.mtu.edu/#mtu
Wiki: http://lug.mtu.edu/wiki/
Minutes: http://goo.gl/gGqQNc
Official MTU LUG Calendar: http://goo.gl/0OdAF2
After you attend 3 General Meetings you will also get your lifetime Shell Sever account! 

Hope to see you all next week!
- - Jared Ledvina

Attachment: MTU-LUG.2-19-15.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

JPEG image

JPEG image

Jared Ledvina
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IT Oxygen Enterprise Operations Team Lead
Progressive Security Group President & Server Admin (PSG)
Linux User's Group President & Lead Server Admin (LUG)
Computer Systems & Network Administration (BS)
Michigan Tech Class '15
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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