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Re: [lug-l] Recent Lennart Poettering Outrage

>1. Have you contributed to OSS?
The only popular project I was apart of was esoTalk. I was a co-maintainer, mostly bug fixes, skin porting, and writing some plugins. Also moderating the support forum which I still do a little bit.

>2. How did a community manager/project manager interact with you (positively/negatively)?
I think we kept everything positive.  After all, we all wanted a better product. As long as someone was trying to contribute there was no reason to be negative. We were also never large enough were we had more than 5 or 6 people contributing.  We all sort of knew each other as friends.

>3. Would you be willing to link to a repository/issue tracker where the event happened?

>4. After reading this article do you see some of Lennart's concerns or do you think they are false?
I don't think they're false necessarily.  He has some good points that some of the verbal abuse that comes out of the 'upper tiered' developers is harsh.  He does a lot of generalizing when he refers to the Linux community.  You can certainly be apart of the community and not be told off.  It would be more accurate to say, if you want to get into lower level kernel development you may be in contact with some people who care more about their ideal codebase than showing empathy for those who want to help.

>I recently read a response in r/linux that suggested that us linux users should communicate with each other using source code, that there might be fewer misunderstandings.
I'm not sure if this was a half-serious response on reddit, but I think if you can't write to where people can understand you, you should be banished to the basement with Mordac.

Josh Knight

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:34 AM, daniel.bierman <daniel.bierman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I recently read a response in r/linux that suggested that us linux users should communicate with each other using source code, that there might be fewer misunderstandings. That just using mere words to describe our thoughts and feelings regarding linux put us as a serious disadvantage.  Anyhow, I don't know anything about anything, just thought I would share that. :)

On a separate note, I still have a few of the MTU LUG buttons left that I was asked to bring to the meeting last night.  If anyone is interested in having one or more let me know, and I will bring them to the meeting again next week.
Dan Bierman
Comptia Certified

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: Derek LaHousse <dlahouss@xxxxxxx>
Date: 10/07/2014 7:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: ", lug-l" <lug-l@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [lug-l] Recent Lennart Poettering Outrage

How many of your systems make use of control groups to prevent a
forkbomb from one user (say, www-data? through shellshock) from
bringing the system down?

How many of your systems allow the first packet to a port to bring up
a container which services the request, then goes back to sleep?

How many of your systems make use of Capabilities, such that root
can't barely do anything but specific roles do specific things in
their own namespaced filesystems, so mounting a directory read/write
doesn't change the view for any other process?

Yeah, none of mine do that either.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Andrew G. Meyer <agmeyer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Oct 2014 17:27:28 -0400, Jon DeVree <nuxi@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> * Ford v. GM v. Chrysler (we all agree japanese cars suck)
> Nope, you are wrong. Japanese cars are the best.
> Besides, Chrysler is an Italian company actually.
> --
> Andrew (yes I drive a Mazda, why do you ask?) Meyer
> <agmeyer@xxxxxxx>
> B.S. Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2012
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