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Re: [lug-l] Meeting Tonight

Arch also has znc systemd unit files installed with it and includes znc 1.2. Works like a charm.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Mario Loria <mploria@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Just wanted to mention that everyone should use ZNC 1.2
It is the latest version and includes support for multiple network connections on a single user account (i.e. noobcake/lug:hunter2) and is pretty dead simple to setup (I just did it in like 1 minute).

Here's an init script so you don't have to deal with launching it manually: https://gist.github.com/csexton/3772971


On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Kaleb Elwert <kelwert@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

There is a meeting tonight at 6. The presentation topic will be IRC by me. I'll be going over everything from client configuration to IRC bouncers and maybe even bots if there's enough time.

Also, nominations for positions are still open and we will be voting next week.


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Mario Paul Loria
Founder: ScriptThe.Net, PSGNet | Co-Founder: Meme101.comWhyteDev
Information Technology Services and Security (ITSS) Intern
Progressive Security Group (PSG) President
Linux/UNIX Users Group (LUG) Vice President
Computer Networking and Systems Administration (BS), Minor in Economics 
Michigan Tech Class of Spring '13

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