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Re: [lug-l] Hey guys found this cool article founder of GNU+Linux

I know it's not written in stone, but in my eyes purpose of the list is to connect people through constructive dialogue that revolves (even loosely) around Linux, Unix, etc. With that said, I can sympathize with Milo's _expression_. The title of the webpage is verbatim: "Our GNU/Lord and GNU/Savior is 100% sexy!". I for one urge this lame-posting not be encouraged.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Rashad Williams <rswillia@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Cool article giys thanks for sharing.


On Mar 18, 2014 2:51 PM, "Andrew Siemen" <awsiemen@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I, too, found it pretty hilarious.

Also, if you're going to unsubscribe, why would you tell the list that you're unsubscribing? If you want to unsubscribe, just do it, instead of contributing to the 'spam' that you seem to detest so much.

Andrew Siemen
Michigan Technological University
Major - Computer Network and Systems Administration
Minor - Computer Science
Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 8:23 AM, Brian McPherson <bamcpher@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I enjoyed it as well.

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Derek LaHousse <dlahouss@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I for one thought it was funny.

On Mon, 2014-03-17 at 08:15 -0400, Milo Gertjejansen wrote:
> Unsubscribing due to this spam. I don't mind questions in my inbox,
> but this is trash.


> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:09 AM, Charles Cash <cfcash@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>         http://tinyurl.com/pord7xs
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> --
> Thanks,
> Milo Gertjejansen

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Brendan Kerrigan
Computer Engineering
Michigan Technological University

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