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Re: [lug-l] Workspace switching with Linux Mint

This is probably an option in your browser rather than the desktop environment.  For example, in Firefox, to make links from otherh programs open in a new window instead of the existing one, go to about:config (in the navbar) and use the search filter to find browser.link.open_newwindow.override.external, and set it to 2.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Katherine May <kemay@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I recently switched to the most recent version of Linux Mint. Whenever I click a link to open a webpage, the workspace automatically switches to the workspace containing webpages. I would like to disable this automatic switching. Could you please tell me how? I can't find anything that looks relevant, either on online forums or in the Systems Settings.

Thanks very much.
~Katie May

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