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[lug-l] Mythbuntu?

Hi All:

I'm trying to set up a new Mythbuntu primary backend on a new computer. I've tried installing from the mythbuntu_12.04.3 iso, and from both the Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server iso installs both from the complete iso and from net install in the case of the straight Ubuntu cases (using the 12.04 LTS release). After installing Ubuntu I would then apt-get the required mythbuntu parts. Right now I'm back to installing from the Mythbuntu iso which went OK, and I got the Mythbuntu config program run. When I go to run mythbackend I get the following output. Note this is running from user ds which has password: mythtv. I've also set the password for the mythtv user to: mythtv and I have configured the following files to point to the external address of this box ( and use user: mythtv and password: mythtv

The following output results:
$ mythbackend
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525425 C mythbackend version: fixes/0.25 [v0.25.2-15-g46cab93] www.mythtv.org
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525488 C  Qt version: compile: 4.8.1, runtime: 4.8.1
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525510 N  Enabled verbose msgs:  general
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525568 N  Setting Log Level to LOG_INFO
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525686 I  Added logging to the console
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525709 I  Added database logging to table logging
2014-02-01 14:31:17.525904 N  Setting up SIGHUP handler
2014-02-01 14:31:17.526227 N  Using runtime prefix = /usr
2014-02-01 14:31:17.526283 N Using configuration directory = /home/mythtv/.mythtv
2014-02-01 14:31:17.526660 I  Assumed character encoding: en_US.UTF-8
2014-02-01 14:31:17.527870 N  Empty LocalHostName.
2014-02-01 14:31:17.527893 I  Using localhost value of tivo

Cannot login to database?

Would you like to configure the database connection now? [no] 2014-02-01 14:31:17.555930 E Unable to connect to database!
2014-02-01 14:31:17.555989 E  Driver error was [1/1045]:
QMYSQL: Unable to connect
Database error was:
Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

2014-02-01 14:31:17.556086 A  Cannot login to database?

2014-02-01 14:31:50.798030 E  Read from stdin failed
2014-02-01 14:31:50.798100 C  Failed to init MythContext.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,
Dan Sauer

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