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Re: [lug-l] Mirror Question

Ah, it was http.debian.net that gave you your Geolocated "local server".

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Bas Wijnen <bwijnen@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just this sunday, a discussion related to this started on the
> debian-project list.  You may want to read through some of it:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2013/10/msg00029.html
> Thanks,
> Bas
> On 10/14/2013 09:25 PM, Josh Knight wrote:
>> Hey Erin,
>> Being on the west coast, you're right, the MTU LUG mirror probably isn't
>> the fastest. There are larger mirrors like mirror.anl.gov
>> <http://mirror.anl.gov> that we simply can't compete with off-campus
>> with our 100Mbit connection (they have a 10Gigabit network connection
>> for IPv4 traffic!.)  Even if/when we upgrade our network connection,
>> we'll only have a few hundred Megabits to the Internet.
>> If you're looking to speed things up, there are packages that will help
>> you find the fastest debian mirror. Take a look at these links
>> http://www.aboutlinux.info/2007/05/using-netselect-apt-tip-to-select.html
>> http://linuxg.net/how-to-find-and-select-the-fastest-mirror-on-debian-linux-operating-systems/
>> Basically the program will download the list of mirrors
>> from http://www.debian.org/mirror/list and find the most available
>> mirror, and build a sources.list file for you to use.  I haven't used
>> them personally but I'd say give them a shot.
>> General note: I know Ubuntu has a feature that will find the fastest
>> mirror, can't say if it's in Debian or not, it probably is.  Also Fedora
>> and CentOS by default use fastestmirror plugin to find the most
>> available mirror.
>> Hope this helps
>> ---
>> Josh Knight
>> Undergraduate, Michigan Technological University
>>     Major, Computer Network & Systems Administration
>>     Minor, Electrical Engineering
>> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:13 PM, Erin Brandt <eebrandt@xxxxxxx
>> <mailto:eebrandt@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>     Hi MTU LUG,
>>     I have what is probably a pretty basic question.  I've been running
>>     Debian for about 9 years now, and I've always used the MTU repo
>>     mirrors because I've never had any trouble and they seem really
>>     reliable.  Since I've moved to the west coast, I'm wondering if I
>>     should switch to a more local one.  How is the time lag when trying
>>     to update across the country?  Would it be worthwhile to switch?
>>     Thanks,
>>     Erin
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