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Tomorrow's meeting and budget extravaganza

It's the time of the year again to dream of what LUG wants to spend
money on.  Tomorrow we'll be writing up a budget to submit to USG.
Guidelines for these are in article VII of
http://usg.mtu.edu/usg/documents/bylaws.pdf, but whatever.  Also, they
want them submitted via "Involvement Link" this year, so someone will
have to figure that out.
Experience from previous years and other groups shows that it pays to
be vague.  For example, they'd probably be quicker to approve $600
funding for a "Linux server" than $300 for hard drives, $42 for a raid
card, $25 for a network connection...

We'll also be discussing final plans for Installathon on Saturday.
Hopefully we don't have much work left to do.  There is a work order
open for the network connection, so that should be fine.  Also, thanks
for hanging the posters last week.
