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[Fwd: [orgpresident-l] WHAT ABOUT PARKING?]

-------- Original Message --------\

Dear Student Organization Members,
The Undergraduate Student Government now has a facebook fan page. This page is provided to tell you about upcoming events, student issues, and other great stuff going on! The first thing they are promoting is "What about Parking?" .. a time where you can come and discuss/voice your comments, concerns, or ideas about parking on Michigan Tech's campus to USG and the Parking Task Force formed by Dr. Glen Mroz. PLEASE if you have any comments stop by and let them know so they can further research and help make changes. If you don't have time to talk, you can just bring by a written letter or note with your ideas. It will be located in the MUB commons from 1pm - 3 pm this Wed. (Nov. 11th).. Hope to see you there! Please invite your friends and fellow org members to their facebook fan page!

USG will be giving away free ice scrapers for voicing your opinions during their parking session tomorrow!!

Carol Janisse
Michigan Technological University
Secretary, Student Organizations Office, USG & MTU Lode
Rm 106, Memorial Union Building
(906) 487-2402

Each day is a gift - that's why it's called the present.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
Abraham Lincoln

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we
should Dance....