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Re: Fwd: From Linux Newbie

Hi Nikita-

I don't know if you've received any other replies, if so they haven't cc'd the LUG list on it. I'll direct this reply towards linux as it seems to get most of the attention these days (and this is the Linux Users Group, afterall). It's a neat and useful operating system and in many ways has become much more than the hobby operating system it started out as.
I still think the best way to learn about it is to install it on a 
computer and play around with it for a while. Documentation and howto's 
for doing most anything with it are all over the internet if you need 
help. Google is your friend :)
You said you weren't real familiar with operating systems. Unless you 
don't mind partitioning and the possibility of messing up your computer, 
losing data, etc -- your best bet is probably a livecd. This will boot 
linux off of a CD/DVD and won't make any changes to your computer. It 
will be quite a bit slower than installing it to your harddrive, but it 
will still give you a taste of linux.
I'd recommend Knoppix, but I believe the standard Ubuntu install starts 
off as a liveCD too. You probably want to download the iso, burn it 
using your favorite CD/DVD burning program that supports .iso's and then 
just direct your computer to boot from the CD the next time you start it up.
When you're ready to install something to your harddisk, I'd recommend 
Fedora or Ubuntu. They are both very well done and fairly 
straightforward to install. Knoppix/Ubuntu/Fedora/etc are available on 
the MTU LUG's website at http://lug.mtu.edu
Good luck!

Steven D. Vormwald wrote:
I've been told that at this e-mail I can find smart people who know lots about Linux and Unix. I don't know anything about those operating systems or operating systems in general...could I get some enlightenment this week about the topic from whoever read this letter?
Thank you, sincerely, Nikita Sokolov.

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