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First meeting of the semester

Once again, I have the shirts. If you haven't gotten yours yet and you did order one, I would appreciate seeing you bring $15/shirt you ordered so I can get these shirts to you all.
Alum or others out of town: Let me know where you want the shirts 
shipped, and I can get them out to you for $5 shipping and $15 per 
shirt. I did order some extras so let me know if you forgot to order!
I'll be discussing some of the hardware changes that are going on with 
LUG's servers, and other stuff we might need to buy to support it all 
(UPS options, etc.) I'm done funding stuff with my own money on this, 
anything else we do has to either come from donations from others, or 
out of LUG's coffers.
Thursday, 7pm. Rekhi G009.

See you all there,
Brian McPherson
LUG President.