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Bonzai Today FREE FOOD

Hello All,

Figured I would remind everyone there will be a party today. It is going to be in Rehki Hall (pretty much the whole thing). There will be free pizza, cookies, Pop and other snacks.

5pm - Food in 214 w/ music & slide show advertising orgs & events
5pm - Board Games & Music start in 201
6pm - Start Movies in 2146pm - Start DDR in G09
7:45pm - Start LAN party in lab (the one next to learning Center)
7:45pm - Start console games (hoping to get wii, should have Guitar Hero, room to be determined)
I hope to see you all there !!

Thank You,
Jon Welters
Computer Network and Systems Administration
Treasurer - MTU Linux Users Group
Secretary - Husky Amateur Radio Club KD8ELJ
Coordinator- Student Organizations in Computer Science
Michigan Technological University