Linux/UNIX Users Group at Michigan Tech
MTU LUG Logo Simple Linux Tux

Minutes 2007-09-13


MTU LUG meeting Minutes September 13th, 2007

K-Day? How was it?
 Closed at 3:15PM

Server? the admin isn't here to comment
 He's hiding on IRC...
 Says he's not being Paid
 Can we replace him?

F8 Test 2 Live CD!
 409E Wadsworth Hall.

War on firmware?
 EE Dan
 Liteon firmware update on Linux.

Flux game?
 improving moral

Lab Machines being Slow?
 LONG time to log in and Firefox installed not Opera

 USG wants us to collect money.
 Only undergrads?
 Due date for dues?
 $5! yay! is it in the constitution
 We really like Pizza

USG money update
 Our server guy needs to tell our money guy what to ask for

Handing out of the Ubuntu CD's

 People check schedules?  of course not...
 on Oct 20th? it's make a difference day
  Could we get the MUB (or other location) that day?

ATI Drivers
 Specs came out yesterday!
 Certain window of chips not released  :(

Steve is against Object Orientated script languages.

 Who wants to go?
 Tim has offered space at his apartment