Linux/UNIX Users Group at Michigan Tech
MTU LUG Logo Simple Linux Tux

Minutes 2008-10-09


LUG Meeting Minutes October 9th, 2008

Server update
 Server is running
 GZ box is not running
  turns on but no OS
  Only 256MB of Memory
  Microcenter deal on memory
  Requires DDR we want at least 1GB
  Also needs a Gigabit NIC for it
 Still dont' know where the Breaker is
 More ram for Osiris?
  has 2GB on it total 56MB free
 Andrew: eventually will have all iso's scripted to update

LAN party
 Since we're providing the switch
 We'll put out our donation jar in a highly visible place

Installathon Presentations
 Jon is doing desktop effects
 Markus (with funny hat, aka Spambadger on IRC) can do theme customization
 10AM for setup
 CS1000 getting extra credit for attending presentations

IRC Logs:
 What to log? #mtu and #linux
 Huskybot keeps all URLs
 a warning that it's being logged will go in MOTD
 only new logs will be public
 Vote passes by some amount
  #mtu will be logged and new logs will be available, old will be used for stats
  #linux logged and available

Update mail addy in the wiki so things don't come from Kyle


A line in the topic of #mtu about the channel being logged will also be added