0x0 Officers' Reports
Servers not on fire
Requesting money from ways and means next wednesday
0x1 Conventions
Penguicon is in ~3wks
Reimburse via cash
Sidenote: K-Fest on campus, things are a bit hectic
0x2 Open Floor
Some members have gotten access to a really sweet dedicated server
We're invited to f'all nighter.
Pick a date for fall installathon -> October 9, the week after homecoming, same as last year.
0x3 Presentation?
0x4 Q & A
0x5 Leave.
0x6 Installathon Suggestions
Advertise more effectively (filmboard, periodicals)
Nanocon integration?
0x7 Nominations for officers opening.
Server Bitch:
Andrew, Peter
Public Relations:
Matt, Lauren, Cory
Nominations closing next thursday.
Vote thursday after.
Members Present:
Mitchell Johnson
Gabe Delgado
Raven Rebb
Jacob Wiltse
Nick Trierweiler
Casey Timm
Peter Marheine
Beth Russart
Matt Gardeski
Jesse Wisniewski