Minutes 2024-09-05

From MTU LUG Wiki
Revision as of 07:14, 8 September 2024 by D2wn (talk | contribs) (formatting pt5)
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0. Noah introduction presentation (will get a link shortly)

    a) LUG Servers & Infra

    b) K-Day ideas

1. Showing off infrastructure

    a) pfSense

    b) Proxmox

        i) Running minecraft servers

        ii) Steam Cache (NCSA already doing it)

    c) Shell

        i) Everyone's eligible to get an account!

    d) Mirrors

        i) In the process of fixing it up, Ubuntu users reportedly still having issues?

3. Future of the lug wiki

    a) Making LUG's entire infrastructure reproducible via info from the wiki

4. Access to servers

    a) Let Noah (or anyone on eboard) know if you want a WireGuard config to mess with our servers

    b) Don't connect iDRAC to the internet! (mirrors-idrac.mtu.edu moment, don't be like the LUG admins that came before us lol)

(Note by Noah: Josh took notes on 2024-09-05 in Discord, I editorialized them when I put them in the wiki on 2024-09-08)