Minutes 2024-12-05

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Revision as of 20:34, 5 December 2024 by D2wn (talk | contribs) (initial commit)
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  1. Jesse (from IT) and Alex showed up!
  2. Josh's presentation on Linux buffer overflows!
    1. ssh into shell, then cd /home/jhstiebe/chal
      1. Used Arney's account as temp for a non-member
    2. chal0
      1. input is stdin
      2. set value '____' to 0xDEADBEEF
    3. chal00
      1. input is argv[0]
      2. 29 bytes for ____
      3. 4 bytes for EDP
    4. These are 32-bit binaries
      1. 64-bit binaries have registers and gadgets instead of a 'stack', "return-oriented programming"
    5. chal1
    6. builds are definitely not optimized by the compiler
      1. might even be compiled as debug
    7. compiler freaked out about gets but not strcpy
      1. libc doesn't even implement it but still gives a bunch of warnings when reimplementing
      2. Josh compiled it with default gcc C standard library version, might have worked if he used C99
  3. Some news
    1. We got the subnet from IT!
      1. It'll be a /27
      2. It's not impossible for student porgs to anage their own domains too
        1. Managed by University Marketing and Resources
