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Minutes 2008-12-04

From MTU LUG Wiki
Revision as of 02:25, 13 February 2009 by RagingMind (talk | contribs)
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MTU LUG Meeting Minutes December 4th, 2008

Server Status
	? agmlego is not here tonight

New VP
	Emergency Election
	He has to take time off, won't be an enrolled student
		The Front row (Alex and Markus)
		Tall Matt
	Voting Next week (so we can nominate more people)

SOCS (Snow Statue)
	Take to Steve after the meeting if you want to work out the design
	Nothing due till mid January

501(c) 3
	LUG qualifies as a 501(c) 3 organization
	Since our funding is less then 5000 a year
		There's a special exemption for small groups
	No special paper work for us
	Special paperwork for people who donate
	If people do start making donations to us then we have paperwork
		We'd have to go get tax certificates

Credit Union
	We now have a savings account

Fedora 10
	It destroyed our server...
	The script stopped working
		Dark cleared our mirror and fetched it
	Lots of Security updates

PR Update
	Worst time to recruit people...
	Sean will create a Flier for us to put up next semester
		Maybe Table tents and things
	Student Involvement Fair
		Big thing in Wads
		We'll do something as soon as someone figures out how to

Student Org backup
	Think we could backup to Student Org web server
	Steve will talk to USG

Budget Hearing
	We were given moneys for Installathon network connection
	Filmboard ads were donation from Arrakiv
		Tuesday at 6 in Fisher 133

End of Semester Social
	We have the Pop
	What kind of social?
		Next weeks meeting will be a movie (technically be post meeting)
		Have pizza too
	Take Funds from LUG account for Pizza?
		6 yes, 1 no, 0 abstain
	Markus will go get Pizza after we head-count