Time | Name | Title | Brief Description
12:00 | Andrew Meyer | Microcontroller Development on Linux | Setting up toolchains and development environments to do dev work for AVR and ARM MCUs.
12:30 | Jacob Wiltse and Nick Trierweiler | Arch Linux | Comparing and contrasting Arch Linux with other distros, and going over my experiences with it.
13:00 | Josh Knight | Intro to Blender | Getting started with 3D modeling/animation in Blender
13:30 | | |
14:00 | Kaleb Elwert and Jay Vana | Generic RPG development | Trials and tribulations of a semi-non-professional 2D RPG development team. Also, a little about our work and experience with C, SDL, OpenGL, Glut, image loading, project management and Lua.
14:30 | John Pastore | Installing MIDPssh | Stupid Shenanigans with a semi-modern Phone.
15:00 | | |
15:30 | | |
16:00 | | |
16:30 | | |