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▲ Fedora is borked
▲ 1. Officers introductions
▲ 2. Installathon
▲ We got the rooms and days we decided on last year.
▲ 3. Website
Looking for someone to update website.
We have 2 people interested.
4. Involvement
It sucks.
We are not an official club yet.
Removing flash makes websites nicer.
5. Dues
$5 a semester.
Raven will be at every meeting.
6. T-Shirts
We can get them if someone submits a design.
We still have old ones for sale.
7. Events Coming Up
K-Day - Do we want a table?
- Burn Ubuntu CDs.
- Should we try for power? Ya
8. Server
-Should we mirror more things?
OpenSUSE - We'll look into it.
-Any services?
Sekhmet accounts available. People won't be doing OS homework on it.
9. Fun Stuff
Should we have a junk yard wars computer building contest?
Let's have a computer building presentation in the future.
10. Parade of Nations
Dress up like penguins?
11. Open Floor
Arch now has a multilib repo.
Takara cells transformers toys that actually work. (FLASH!!)