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Mary Farmer EE Major (2005)

Raphael Mudge CS Major (2004)

Adam Shirey CS Major (2004)

Andy Zobro ME Undergrad, Engineering Masters (2005)


President: Dan Clark CS Major (2005)

Vice President: Timothy Carmean

Secretary: Steven Isaacson CS Major (2005)

Treasurer: Mary Farmer EE Major (2005)

Server: Peter Corbett CSY Major (2007?)

Officers Elect

President: Kyle Schneider SS Major (2008)

Vice President: Christian Jacobsen Applied GeoPhysics Major (2007)

Secretary: Andrew Swartzendruber CpE Major (2008)

Treasurer: Jon Klimowicz CS Major (2007 I hope)

Current Members

Jon DeVree CS Major (2006 assuming I don't get expelled first)

Derek LaHousse EE Major

Brian McPherson CS Major (2007)

Justin TerAvest CS Major (2005)

Rachel Pierce ex MTU student (2008)