Minutes 2007-10-11

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<pre> MTU LUG meeting Minutes October 11th, 2007

Install-a-Thon Mirror? Not enough space? Connection? Rovernet too slow Server Guy will talk to Telcom Last Year we just used Rovernet Table Tents and Posters Done

Kernel 2.6.23 came out.

Mary Laptop Touch Screen - serial interface Boot to Windows to reset it? New kernel might have drivers

Beryl? Fedora Core 7 Nvidia Not actually Beryl anymore... is compiz fusion Phil to the Rescue

Ubuntu 7.10 will be out in 7 days (JUST before install-a-thon)

Resnet Hiring Wednesday B18 of EERC with Resume

Huskybot is a Formidable Foe!

Dark-Fx is virtual machine hosing mtulug.fxaffinity.com - Other LUG IRC connection.

END </pre>