
From MTU LUG Wiki
Revision as of 02:31, 13 July 2024 by D2wn (talk | contribs) (Added photo of the GLRC shared server rack containing the LUG servers.)
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Kurisu, Okabe, Daru, Luka, Mayuri, MrBraun

Photo of the shared server rack in the GLRC as of 2023-12-11.
Shared server rack in the GLRC as of 2023-12-11. Starting below the yellow Google server, the servers are (from top-to-bottom): Shell, Mirrors2, Mirrors, Kurisu, Okabe, Daru, Mayuri, Luka, MrBraun, Lasagna.

All nodes in the LUG Proxmox Cluster to run VMs for services.

Current services run by VMs in the cluster include:

Nodes run Proxmox, and all VMs run Debian.

All nodes and VMs sit behind pfSense and do not have public IP addresses or domain names.

Lasagna, Ravioli (soon)

Router/firewall. Responsible for:

  • DHCP, DNS, NAT for Server LAN
  • DHCP for OOB LAN (no internet, restricted from Server LAN)
  • Wireguard ingress
  • CARP for public services and internal network redundancy (soon)
  • Port-forwarding traffic to VMs in Proxmox cluster

Runs on pfSense.

MTU Domain:

MTU IP (CARP): soon

MTU IP (Lasagna):

MTU IP (Ravioli): soon


The multi-tenant pubnix server all LUG members get lifetime access to.

Runs all services "by LUG, for LUG." Examples include:

Runs on Debian.

MTU Domain:


Mirrors / Mirrors2 (soon)

Runs Linux mirrors under Salt.

Current distros hosted by Mirrors include:

  • Arch Linux
  • CentOS (+ CentOS AltArch)
  • Debian (+ Debian ISOs)
  • Fedora (+ Fedora EPEL and RPMfusion)
  • gentoo Linux
  • Ubuntu (+ Ubuntu ISOs)
  • + More to come as Mirrors gets more storage.

Runs on FreeBSD.

MTU Domain: