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Matrix server + full email archive + update

Hey LUG,

For those of you who refuse to use Discord and also find IRC archaic, we have a Matrix server now!: https://matrix.to/#/#mtu-lug:lug.mtu.edu

It'll have a bridge between IRC + Discord eventually.

We also have a full archive of emails from 2001 to 2022!

I scraped web.archive.org for 2001 to 2006 so I don't have an mbox for those, I just pulled the html.
kwschnei@xxxxxxx gave us an mbox from 2004 to 2022, so a different format for that.

Goals moving forward:

1. Budget meeting tomorrow, 4pm.
2. I want all archived things to be publicly archived, so meeting minutes are next. Earliest meeting minute is 2007, we have 2012--2021 (+slides) on a private google drive, so we need to transfer that over.
3. Web services: pastebin, wiki, forum, file uploader (file uploader only within MTU domains to prevent bad things from being uploaded...)
4. Installathon + other outreach things

Make sure to come to the meeting today so we can get ideas for what to do with Trillian. I have my own ideas, but we'll see if y'all like it.

P.S. I've also opened up any group member to email on this mailing list.. so it isn't just me emailing myself all the time.