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Re: Americas Army???


that has americas army and wolfenstein et on it.  weee!


On Dec 17, 2003, at 1:55 PM, Paul Schou wrote:

Good link:
ftp://theuser:9K5ya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/pub/3dgamers/games/americasarmy/ armyops200-lnx.run
Other one:
http://strawberry.resnet.mtu.edu/pub/AmericasArmy/ (my server)

- Paul Schou

%{--------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Paul Schou (906) 483-5162 | | Physics and Mathematics | | Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 49931, USA | | N.I.T.E. President www.admin.mtu.edu/stuact/nite | | CAEL Partner www.me.mtu.edu/cael/partners | | Future Truck www.me.mtu.edu/~fcc | | LUG - Linux Users Group lug.mtu.edu | +---------------------------------------------------------------------% }

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Adam Jaskiewicz wrote:

That would probably be a good idea. America's army is 600+ megs, and the
only places they have to download it are places you have to log in
(happy puppy, fileplanet, etc) Mirroring it on the LUG server would be
much faster for people to download.

Steven Isaacson wrote:

* Dan Clark (dalclark@xxxxxxx) wrote:

Base16 just showed me Enemy Territory. It looks great, sorta had the
feel of BF1942.
I was thinking that it might be something else to try for the get
involved thing.

And since the games are available for free we probably could mirror  
on lug.mtu.edu no problem. We have that much space available at  
Steven Isaacson http://spi.panaverse.com
<web@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> AIM/MSN/Y!:spi516 Jabber:spi@xxxxxxxxxxx
"Beauty only ever runs skin deep..." - Neuropa

Undergraduate Student: Computer Systems Science
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