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[Fwd: Meeting Topic?]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Meeting Topic?
Date: 	Wed, 02 Feb 2005 22:22:00 -0500
From: 	Tim Carmean <tecarmea@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: 	Tim Carmean <tecarmea@xxxxxxx>
To: 	lug-officers-l@xxxxxxx

I've talked to some people outside of meetings and they expressed that
they would be more interested in showing up to meetings more often if we
actually talked more about Linux. So what I'd like to try is to send out
a RFC before the meeting (a day or 2 before) to see what people want to
talk about. So what linux/unix related topic would everyone like to see
this week? If its something you want to get up and talk about that's
fine. If its something you'd like someone else to talk about thats fine
too. Anything that is linux/unix related goes (even POV Ray).

Undergraduate Student: Computer Systems Science
Resnet Student Consultant
Telcom Customer Service
Vice President: Michigan Technological University Linux Users Group
CAEL Partner (in perpetual training)
Public GPG Key: http://chong.idlegames.com/crypto/tecarmea.gpg.pub

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