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Re: PHP development tools

i dont know that it is "intended" for standalone use, however, the couple ide's i have tried seem to make it look like it. i know i have used php standalone before, when i couldnt figure out how to do what i wanted in perl.

Paul Schou wrote:

On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, Scott Elliott wrote:

heh, sorry for anyone i sent a message to that didnt go to the list.
which reminds me, is there a reason the list is not setup with a
reply-to address?
I don't know of any; would you want to make a recommendation?

Anyway, i use gvim. as all my php code runs on a web server, there are
complications that you dont get in standalone apps.
I never knew php was intended for stand alone applications.

- Paul Schou
Guardian of Data

 | Paul Schou                                            paulschou.com |
 |   Physics and Mathematics                                           |
 | Michigan Technological University           Houghton, MI 49931, USA |
 |   University Web Designer / Programmer / Databases      www.mtu.edu |
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 |   CAEL Partner - Senior                www.me.mtu.edu/cael/partners |
 |   CCLI Consultant - Lab Asst                    www.hu.mtu.edu/ccli |
 |   Future Truck                                  www.me.mtu.edu/~fcc |
 |   LUG - Linux Users Group (co-founder)                  lug.mtu.edu |