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Re: [lug-l] Re: Osiris being removed from Internet

Is the email list working?????

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Josh Knight <jgknight@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Osiris has been unplugged for a little while now, I think I have most of the hiccups with IRC fixed and /wiki and /mu links fixed.

IPv6 IRC access is still broken, but you are able to connect to lug.mtu.edu on port 6667 or 6669 over IPv4.

Josh Knight
Undergraduate, Michigan Technological University
Major, Computer Network & Systems Administration
Minor, Electrical Engineering

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Josh Knight <jgknight@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Osiris.lug.mtu.edu server will be permanently unplugged from the Internet tonight (or tomorrow if something comes up.)  This is to facilitate a new server we recently purchased.

Any existing IRC (or other Internet) connections to osiris.lug.mtu.edu,, or 2001:48a8:0:8:0:3:0:232 will be broken.

If you have any files or irssi configs to backup please do that asap.  

If you are unable to login to osiris (and have an account) send me an email. Also if you aren't able to move files before tonight/tomorrow, also send me an email and I can get you ssh access using a different IP address.

Josh Knight
Undergraduate, Michigan Technological University
Major, Computer Network & Systems Administration
Minor, Electrical Engineering

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