On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Curtis Hunt
<cnhunt@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I have corrupted my MBR on my laptop.
I installed Windows XP and then used Wubi to install Ubuntu on the same partition. This worked fine for nearly two weeks until I updated Ubuntu. There was an issue with the update that made GRUB not boot Ubuntu properly but Wubi still allowed me to boot into Windows XP.
I mistakenly thought the issue was with Grub, being new to Linux. I tried reinstalling Grub from a USB stick running Linux and the result was, it seems, replacing the MBR with Grub, and even then it wasn't complete and didn't run. I finally found a way into my Ubuntu install and it worked fine but I was unable to reach Windows anymore. I then tried reinstalling the Windows XP mbr using ms-sys in Ubuntu and now it boots with Grub in recovery mode and I can't get back into Ubuntu and it can't find the filesystem. The USB stick can't mount the partition with Windows and Ubuntu anymore either so I can't do anything to fix it.
I don't have my windows install disk with me so I can't use that to fix the issue.
Is there any fix?
- Curtis H.