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Subscription Request

Moderator(s) of this list:

Could you please add the below email to the list -

 Chirs Proctor <meurig_reveil@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I met this eager-to-learn-Linux gentleman while
in Chicago and I am sure we can answer his
questions to get him going :)


S Gowtham

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 22:17:00 +0000
From: john smith <meurig_reveil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sgowtham@xxxxxxx
Subject: Yesterday's Chance Meeting at 676 N. Michigan

Hi There!

This I Chris Proctor, we met yesterday in the office tower of 676 N. Michigan Ave. you were seeking the German Consulate and I was the Security for the building.

I am very happy to have met you and would like to keep in touch. for the obvious reasons lol.. I am nowhere near as computer savvy as you are and don't have much to offer at the moment for the information I seek except for an offer of mutual reciprication ( ie you give me a little assistance now and again to get me going in linux and I will assist you in whatever talents I have that you lack in , who knows I may be alot better at image manipulation than you and I know I am good at that).

I will warn ya up front my spelling is horrible and my grammar is sometimes on vacation but when I program or code ( which I do very rarely ) I take my time and make sure every thing is dotted and crossed.

I went ahead and booted from the dvd that came with my book the Knoppix Distro and toyed with the interface a bit. I was amazed at how fast I was able to get online and do the most simple things. I do have a great unfamiliarity with the file extensions and the application names and have to learn them one by one through practice. I do have a list in my bood , Linux for Dummies 8 books in 1.

the more I see of Linux the more I am begining to like it and sadly wonder where the heck my head has been for the last decade of windows nightmare. I still see value in windows to a certain degree. mostly games and a few select programs. which Is one reason I am going to set up my new computer as a dual boot. that and I can flip flop between Gimp and Photoshop unless you know a way to run photoshop in Linux, or is it under? like with windows? anyway there are a few tools I am finding I need to keep.

I do not need to keep however microsofts invasion of my privacy and their curtailing of my rights.

oh yeah I almost forgot to ask how your visit to the consolate went? did you get every thing worked out?

well for not that Is all I can manage this morning .. ahmm.. sorry this afternoon lol.. so please write me back and ask a few questions of your own if there is something our previous conversation may have sparked or this email brings to mind you want to know If I know then fire away I will be happy to answer.

I visited your Website last night but was really tired I think I will go back there for a bit and look about. have a good day.

Chris Proctor

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