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Mirrors is a standalone Dell R730xd server (3.5" drive bay variant) running FreeBSD.

It uses ZFS as the filesystem for the root pool and primary pool that's used for the distribution mirrors (the pool named lug)

It used to use salt, but it broke when upgrading from FreeBSD 12-14. Currently, all maintenance is done by hand (this is a good thing)

At its core, a mirror server performs two functions:

  1. Synchronizing the content from upstream mirrors to itself
  2. Hosting that downloaded content for end-users and other downstream mirrors to pull from

On our mirrors, this is accomplished with archvsync+cron to synchronize content with upstream, and vsftpd+rsyncd+nginx to handle hosting the content.

Certificate maintenance:

Put the certificate (the 'intermediate' download option from our Certificate Authority) in /usr/local/share/certs/mirrors_lug_mtu_edu_bundle.cer, and the key in /usr/local/share/certs/mirrors_lug_mtu_edu.key

then run: service nginx reload Note: reload and NOT restart, as restart kills all existing http(s) connections, while reload just applies the new settings for all future connections. It also won't kill the background daemon if the settings are not valid.

You can view the nginx configuration in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to view and change settings. This file is no longer managed by salt, and can be edited by hand.

Pulling from upstream


The ftpsync utility from the archvsync project is what we use to synchronize content on upstream servers to Mirrors.

archvsync is a script by the Debian project to provision mirror servers, and should be all-inclusive.

We don't use archvsync in full, only the ftpsync utility to handle synchronizing files.

It's nice because it prevents half-sync'd files from getting served to users, so they don't pull corrupted binaries that don't verify with the package signature.

This is especially important for downstream mirrors, as they do not(?) typically check package authenticity, replying on end-user's package managers to check them.

Under the hood, ftpsync can use the ftp(?) or rsync protocols, and is determined by the ftpsync config for a distribution.

The upstream servers Mirrors pulls from, as well as what 'Tier' we are for that distribution, is as follows:

Distribution Tier Upstream Method
Arch Linux 1 rsync
CentOS AltArch 1 rsync
CentOS Stream 1 rsync
CentOS 1 rsync
Debian CD 1 rsync
Debian 1 rsync
EPEL 1 rsync
Fedora 1 rsync
gentoo 2? rsync
RPM Fusion 1 rsync
Ubuntu Releases 2? rsync
Ubuntu 2? rsync

archvsync.tar.gz contains all the archvsync configs and scripts.

It's just a repo that was git pull'd, and was not natively installed on the system via pkg.

When we rebuild mirrors, we should either install it via pkg (if available) or git pull it anew, and place it in /opt/archvsync/


cron calls ftpsync to run at certain times.

This is what determines that, say, arch is synced with upstream every ~15 minutes, while Debian is only synced four times a day, for example.

This should be set according to the distribution's official docs on mirrors.

Most distros want tier 1's to sync 4 times a day, and set the exact hours/minutes slightly randomly so they don't get every downstream server hammering requests all at once.

Currently, this is the schedule Mirrors uses (all times in EST):

Distribution Sync Times
Arch Linux *:03 *:13 *:33 *:43
CentOS AltArch* 00:24 AM 06:24 AM 12:24 PM 06:24 PM
CentOS Stream** 00:24 AM 06:24 AM 12:24 PM 06:24 PM
CentOS* 00:24 AM 06:24 AM 12:24 PM 06:24 PM
Debian CD 00:12 AM 06:12 AM 12:12 PM 06:12 PM
Debian 00:03 AM 06:03 AM 12:03 AM 06:03 PM
EPEL*** 00:30 AM 06:30 AM 12:30 PM 06:30 PM
Fedora 00:15 AM 06:15 AM 12:15 PM 06:15 PM
gentoo 00:14 AM 06:14 AM 12:14 PM 06:14 PM
RPM Fusion*** 00:15 AM 06:15 AM 12:15 PM 06:15 PM
Ubuntu Releases 00:45 AM 06:45 AM 12:45 PM 06:45 PM
Ubuntu 00:30 AM 06:30 AM 12:30 PM 06:30 PM

* = Deprecated, should be removed

** = Suspected broken, needs to be investigated

*** = Maybe deprecated?

Keep in mind this is when syncing starts, it may take a moment before it's fully up-to-date with upstream.

Serving to downstream

vsftpd is the ftp daemon running on port 21, and allows all recursive content inside /lug to be downloaded by anonymous users.

rsyncd does the same, but as the rsync daemon running on port 873.

This is what many downstream mirrors use to pull from us, as we're a tier 1 for some distros.

nginx is again similar, but as the http daemon running on ports 80/443 (http/https, respectively).

This is what's used by most end-users to download packages from us for their installs.

It has a hardcoded if block pointing to each distro's dataset path, I'm almost certain could just be replaced with root /lug in the server block.

salt.tar.gz contains all the configuration for salt, and the config files it uses to overwrite the config files located in the standard location (as well as the template files it uses to 'build' configs for services like rsyncd and archvsync when a new distro is added to the primary salt config)


Salt used to administer these services, but it's half-broken at the moment and should not be reinstalled (in my opinion).

All salt did was functionally copy config files from it's 'special snowflake' directory (/usr/local/srv/salt/files) into the standard locations (like /etc/nginx and whatnot), so functionally replacing the established norm for administering a *NIX system with a custom setup.

The benefit of easing the process of adding new distributions to the mirror is not worth the consequence of having a brittle system that breaks when config files are manually edited or when upgrading the system.

As such, I think the way Mirrors is setup is essentially perfect, sans salt.