Minutes 2008-10-16

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MTU LUG Meeting Minutes October 16th, 2008

Server Status
	Andrew not here
	server still has two drives lost
		will work on after new case comes in mail
		*false alert...* it was his own server
	Andrew here maybe make sense now
	Server is okay, yay!

Installathon Wrapup
	It happened... it's over.
	Lots of people showed up.
	We gave presentations
	Money for Pizza was wow
	USG reimbursement for Film Board thing
		also they'll bug us about the charge for the connection
		was only $25

	Steve is doing registration this weekend
	it's $35 if you do it now
		USG will refund at some point...
		we get $400 from them
	Steve's Yaris is very fuel efficient

Linux Cheat Sheet
	CS honor society is putting together a guide for freshmen
	Wants us to put together a Linux guide sheet
		O'Reilly sheet used to float around

	Money was passed to Byan
	Should deposit money into credit union account
	Paypal is not a good idea for collecting dues... too many fees

Other Activities
	Table at nanocon
		Hand out CD's
		Weekend after Halloween
		Corey could help, but busy with PFRC stuff
	Anything for Intrepid release?
		it's right before nanocon
	mcnairlanparty.cjb.net - SCLC
		Urban terror
		Team Fortress 2
		$2 a head and limited registration
		Also maybe food
		November 1st