Minutes 2009-09-24

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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Server Status
    All is well and good with the world.
    Postfix doesn't enjoy 60MB Logfiles.

    Now open for public signups again, captcha protected.
    Don't be evil.
    Links from mainpage need updating.

    See http://lug.mtu.edu/wiki/MTU_LUG_wiki:Current_events
    PR Officer needs to make posters.

Lug Social
    We need to have some.


Those present:
Mitchell Johnson (Secretary)
Alex Klinkhamer
Beth Russart
Brandon Crowley (Vice President)
Andrew Meyer (Server Admin)
Matthew Gardeski (President)
Lenore Towne
Steven Vormwald
Jesse Wisniewski
Alicia Gervais
Nate Scowcraft
William Cody Laeder
John Pastore
Raven Rebb
Nick Trierheiler
Gabe Delgado
Jacob Wittse
Peter Markheime
Chris Hasmiter