Minutes 2010-03-25

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0.  Officer's Reports
    Budget not looking good.  We should appeal.
    We're mirroring Unity, a distribution designed to be the base of other distributions.
    Servers are happy, including Fedora.
    Sekhmet may be gaining faster processors this eve.
1.  Installathon
    April 3 MUB Commons
    EDS Ads have been registered
    Table tents will be created
    No filmboard slides
    Posters early next week. (Sunday)
    Sign up for presentations
    Need to run through presentations with an officer beforehand
      Location/Date to be decided (watch your email)
10. Student Activities Fee
    We need to use ours
    Need documents for things we're paying for
      Penguicon expenses
    Deadline coming up soon
11. Conventions
    Notacon Contingent cannot be led by Andrew Meyer
      Parents fund won't fund it due to time constraints
    Anyone else to pick it up?
100.Open Floor
    New Compiz - Ubuntu may catch it for 10.04
    Neat OS feature - ctl>alt>del invoke xkill?
    Andrew has toys.
    He has a clock from adafruit industries.
    Monochron - plays pong to tell the time
    Also has a mintyboost, but it's not here.
    Possible Sekhmet processors.