Minutes 2011-01-20

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0. Officer Reports
  Dark FX wants to spend money (Sekhmet upgrades)
  Unity is acting up... still.
  Sehkmets upgrades to the netfinity box were unsuccessful.
  We could swap Sekhmet and Osiris.
1. Involvement Fair
  Dan showed up.
  We collected 1 email address.
2. Nanocon
  Haro doesn't have a date set for nanocon.
  We could do a LAN party again.
  We need advertising for more than a 2 days ahead of time.
4. Treasurer Nominations
  Will happen next week.
  Jacob sent out an email to the list.
Jacob Wiltse
Josh Knight
Nick Trierweiler
Peter Marheine
Andrew Meyer
John Pastore
Beth Russart
Matt Gardeski