Minutes 2011-02-03

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0. Officer Reports
  Sekhmet is down.  Thinks one of her fans is bad.
  Trying to bring imhotep online.
  Will have 60GB for home, 400GB in /scratch
  Everything but home has been migrated
  A few mirrors are unhappy (debian)
1. Dues
  Josh is collecting Dues.
2. Installathon
  2 weeks away.
  Need presentations.
  If you need anything (projectors, speakers, etc) let officers know early.
  Need advertising... GO DAN!
3. Open Floor
  LUG is using the most bandwidth on campus.
4. T-Shirts
  What do we need?
  What design?
Jacob Wiltse
Nick Trierweiler
Peter Marheine
Josh Knight
Dan Williams
Chris Hastreiter
Stephen Ebert
Katie May
Beth Russart
Andrew Meyer
Matt Gardeski