Minutes 2011-04-07

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0. officer reports
	servers are fine
	budget has been set for next year

1. minecraft server?
	kaleb expressed interest

2. t shirts, may be too much money. glow in the dark is fun
	shirt for kathy :( she's leaving
	sell at cost for people who paid dues
	sell more for people who haven't paid dues

3. ordered kvm, $572 yay shiny
	probably order it over the summer

4. dan presents gnome3
	some window management fails
	sorta shiny for netbooks

5. open floor
	mac dock sucks
	blackboard pilot sucks too
Andrew Meyer
Matt Gardeski
Doug Freed
Peter Marheine
Dan Williams
Nick Trierweiler
Josh Knight
Jacob Wiltse
Beth Russart
Jay Vana
Kaleb Elwert (birthday boy!)
Christian Jacobson